Sunday, September 25, 2011

Insanity Day 8, 9 and 10

   I know I haven't written in a while but there really isn't too much going on here, or maybe there is too much going on. I have been very stressed. My son ended up with a pretty bad allergic reaction to peanut butter. We are also trying to plan out our big move from the South Korea to Texas, with visiting family in between. But I have kept up with the workouts.
   I'm starting to look forward to month two already. The workouts are getting redundant. I did Cardio Power and resistance, Pure Cardio and the Plyometric Cardio Circuit again. They are still as exhausting as Day 1. I'm starting to get pain in my right foot. I hope I'm not landing on it wrong. I also had a sharp pain in my left calf muscle today while starting to do the workout so I took it a little easier, but it still wasn't easy.
   Now what I have been eating. I was doing really good until last night. It was my friend's birthday so she had home made Gluwein, and Sangria. It was delicious. I had a good time but I didn't eat dinner. Then for breakfast I did pretty good had a couple scrambled eggs and fresh fruit. Lunch I ate leftovers of my husband's Popeye's. For dinner I did good and made low calorie honey dijon pork chops.
   In conclusion, I can tell I'm getting stronger. I can feel my muscles getting tighter. My husband also noticed my body changing. I'm starting to feel pretty good about myself. I also realized that it is harder to workout when you ate like crap and drank a lot. My sweat stunk and burned a little and I had less stamina. So back to eating healthy again. I hope things get easier but there is a lot of stress around me right now. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Insanity Day 5&6

   I know I didn't write yesterday. I have been worn out. My son has not been sleeping well at night I think he is teething again. The last two day have been tough for me to get motivated. Anyway, I did do the workouts. Yesterday was Pure Cardio, and was exhausting but different from the other workouts. Today was Plyometric Cardio Circut again.
   I must say my endurance level has gone up. I lasted a lot longer doing today's workout than I did on day one. I haven't been as sore as I was when I first started, I think my body now remembers what it feels like to workout. I've been kind of feeling down lately. Mainly down about my body, but I turned it into motivation to do the workouts the last two days.
   My husband has been great to me through everything. He loves me the way I am now and doesn't care if I loose weight or not. But supports me because he knows I want this. He really is a great guy and I don't know where I found him. One thing I do know is that I'm never letting him go.
   Now onto what I ate. Both days I ate an energy bar before my workout. I also drank a shake after my workout both days. And Ive eaten a Korean snack called Hodu Kwaja in between meals both days. Hodu Kwaja is a walnut cake filled with a bean paste. It has 47 calories per cake. The cakes are the size and shape of a shelled walnut. But there is no fat in them. Amazing.
   For dinner yesterday I was tempted to eat at Charley's  because I went there to pick up a sandwich and fries for my husband. I am proud of myself because I didn't eat anything from there not a single fry. I ate a ham and cheddar wheat wrap with lettuce, tomato, onions banana peppers, and fat free ranch. I also ate a huge salad. Today though I treated myself for eating clean for a week and finishing my first week of insanity, so I got myself a burger from the Gateway club on post.
  In the end, I pushed myself even though I didn't want to do it and was exhausted. I'm proud of myself. I also rewarded myself, because I'm a believer that if you don't reward yourself once in a while; you will crack and over eat. I hope everyone is enjoying my blog. I'm sticking to it.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Insanity Day 4

   My workout of the day today was Cardio Recovery. Don't be fooled by the name. Although it wasn't cardio, it was still challenging. Most of it were stretching and yoga inspired moves. It was a lot of strength training. My muscles were shaking the whole time. It was a nice change of pace though.
   So, I woke up this morning and got on the scale and I was 189 lbs! I was so excited to no be in the 190s anymore. Its all down here from here my goal is 160. I also taped myself this morning and my waist was down a half an inch. Please note that I'm only on day four! I am really getting excited.
   Early the afternoon, I had my weigh in for the biggest loser competition so all I ate was the energy bar and did my video. I was so hungry and wanted to eat more, but didn't. I didn't win the competition. Which didn't really surprise me because I wasn't really pushing myself this go around. Good news is on back on the ball. I don't need a competition anymore to motivate me. I think Insanity is doing a good job at keeping up my motivation.
   For lunch I had some of the leftover pasta from last night. I ate two of the ninety seven calorie pink lemonade cupcakes for a snack. For dinner I made low calorie baked chicken Parmesan. It was Delicious. I also had a tossed salad with Newton's Own Light Balsamic salad dressing.
   Tomorrow's workout is pure cardio. I'm kind of nervous about it. Only 2 more days of workout until my rest day. I'm already planning on cleaning my apartment on my rest day. Since I have been working out during Alex's nap my apartment has gotten a little messy. I am doing great with this workout and I'm already seeing results on day four. I see myself sticking with this.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Insanity Day 3

 Today was day three of my workout, and I have never been so sore. The workout of the day was Cardio Power and Resistance. Today didn't seem as hard as the last two days, But that doesn't mean it wasn't hard. It kicked my butt. I'm not going to lie, I was scared to do my workout this morning. I pushed it off until this afternoon, because I was so scared. I did do it though. I pushed through it. I did love stretching my sore achy muscles in the beginning.
   Now, onto what I ate today. I had a bad day with eating. It's my husband's birthday. We went out for breakfast and I ate three scrambled eggs, a rib eye steak (didn't eat the fat), one piece of toast, and one spoonful of the hash browns. I only ate the spoonful of hash browns because they looked so good. They looked as if they were telling me to eat them, so I limited myself to one spoonful.
    I didn't eat lunch. Bad me, I know. I ate about two cups of whole wheat pasta with roasted broccoli and garlic. That was delicious. about six hundred calories. And then I made cupcakes. I ate two. They weren't just any cupcakes though. They were pink lemonade cupcakes. No frosting because they were sweet enough as is. The best part is that they were only ninety-seven calories a cupcake.
   I got both the recipes for the pasta and the cupcakes off of I swear I am not at all affiliated with I'm just an average person who absolutely loves her recipes on that site. So sorry if I mention it a lot.
   I believe this workout is really working. My roll over my c-section scar is getting smaller and I'm only on the third day. Maybe its just my mind but I really do think it is smaller. Tomorrow is my final weigh in for the biggest loser competition. Lets cross our fingers, I hope I win. I am nervous about it though because I haven't lost much weight this go around, and the weigh-ins don't happen until 12:30 pm. The best time of day to weigh yourself is first thing in the morning and that is when I usually weigh myself. Looking forward to tomorrows insanity DVD. How hard can something be with the word recovery in the title, right?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Insanity Day 2

   This morning, I woke up so sore from the fit test from yesterday. I mean, my shoulders, my legs everything hurt. But I decided to do day two after I popped a couple Motrin. Today's workout was Plyometric Cardio Circuit. I thought the fit test was hard, but this was harder! Coming from a girl who went through Army Basic Training, and I believe this was just as hard. The only difference was this lasted only 45 minutes and I didn't have someone screaming and making fun of me in my ear.
   Today's workout consisted of a lot of jumps, squats, push ups, and a combination of all three. I know I'm going to be hurting tomorrow. I had to take a break a few times during this. But I finished the DVD. I would love to eventually get to finishing it without having to take breaks here and there. I will say that I am proud of myself. I noticed today I felt great after my workout all day. I know some days will be harder than others but I look forward to the next day.
   Now onto what I ate today. Before I woke up I ate an energy bar as a preworkout snack. After my workout, I drank a GNC Lean shake. A few hours after that, maybe around 2:30, I had another Lean shake. For dinner I had Brazilian Barbecue. Not too impressed with my dinner but my husband loves Brazilian Barbecue and tomorrow is his birthday. I do believe I will need the protein from it though. I also ate a lot of vegetables from the salad bar before they started bringing out the meat. I did this so I would eat less of the meat covered in butter and salt.
  In conclusion, today is another great day. Tomorrow is another challenge that I plan on facing head on. It's my husband's birthday, and we are going out to breakfast. But I have some healthy alternatives in my head that I hope I can pull off.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Introduction To Insanity

   So where do I begin? Well, about 13 months ago I was in the army and pregnant with my son. I didn't watch what I ate. Either I was too tired to cook or craving ice cream. I was also stationed in Korea where the was no physical fitness program for pregnant soldiers. So I had my son and he was a whopping 9 lbs 13 oz. My prepregnancy weight was 160 lbs. And my postpartum weight was 206 lbs.
    About 4 months ago, I decided to change that and signed up for a Biggest Loser competition here between the wives. Between then and now I've lost 15 lbs doing Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred and her Ripped in 30 DVDs and by drinking GNCs Lean shakes. So now I weigh about 191 lbs.
    But I found myself not sticking to those DVDs because I got bored. They were the same workouts everyday for a week. Although they were exhausting they got boring. I lost 6 inches off my waist from doing her DVDs. So I was thinking about starting a new workout.
   I wanted something with more variety to keep me interested and something that will give me results. I was thinking of P90X since I have a friend who did it and looks fantastic. But I did more research. P90X wasn't only expensive, but you needed special equipment to do it. The workouts are also an hour long. With a one year old, I don't want to spend all of my free time working out.
  So then I stumbled upon  beach body's Insanity workout. It's by the same makers of P90X except you do not need special equipment. It uses just your own body weight. Also, the workouts are just approximately 45 minutes long. That's just enough time to do the workout and shower before my son wakes up from his morning nap.
 I started my workout today. Day 1 you do you the fit test. I wasn't planning on starting until Monday, but I got to thinking that every day I push this off is another day I have to wait to get my body back. So I got myself up and got in workout clothes and did the Fit test. Let me just say that I was impressed! I was worn out.
 Here are my stats for today :

190.5 lbs
35 inch waist
42 inch hips

Here are my Fit test results:

Switch Kicks: 80
Power Jacks: 32
Power Knees: 56
Power Jumps: 26
Globe Jumps: 6
Suicide Jumps: 9
Push up Jacks: 11
Low Plank Oblique: 20

   As you can tell I got tired at the end. I realized how out of shape I am. But, I know the only way I can change that is to step up, and dig deeper. I hope I get great results like all the peoples before and after photos I have seen. Now we know to lose weight, exercise isn't going to get you there alone, so lets talk about what I am eating.
  I decided I'm going to stick with the GNC Lean shakes. But I know I can't live off them so I will give myself a break and just eat healthy one or two days out of the week. I will eat a small preworkout snack. Like today I had peanut butter toast. After my workout I drank a GNC shake. For Lunch I will drink another shake and eat a healthy low calorie dinner. 
  In conclusion, I want to say that, so far so good it's only day 1 but its a huge step. I know I'm not going to be  able to stick with this strictly, because we will be moving from South Korea to Texas in a couple weeks. We also will be stopping and seeing family in the month between our move. So I will try and do my workouts as much as possible but I can't make too many promises. I guess only time will tell.